Advent - week 2

Sunday - We made gingerbread houses

Monday - put together Christmas puzzles. Then I'd hide puzzle pieces around the house to make it a little more challenging

Tuesday - Christmas crafts and went on a night walk to see lights in the neighborhood

Wednesday - read about the birth of Jesus and watched a Veggie Tales movie

Thursday - out to eat and Reynold's Farm Christmas lights.

Friday - read about Elf on the Shelf for him to come the next morning (Camden asked why our elf starts so late? Lazy I guess?). Camden also had his First Reconciliation this night!

Saturday - probably the thing the kids were looking forward to the most - sleepover by the Christmas tree! This year we have a modular sectional couch that we could move around to create a big bed. It looked pretty cozy! We also decorated some cookies we had baked and frozen earlier this month.

Jonas didn't get to spend the night on the couch, but he did get to watch part of the movie

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