Camden at 2 years

Height: 33.5 inches

Weight: 28.5 pounds

Clothing Size: mostly 2T and occasionally 3T shirts

Sleep: 1 nap lasting from 1pm-3pm. In bed around 8-8:15pm but is often awake for awhile "reading" a book (a new thing we let him do) or just laying there. Awake around 6:30.

Favorite Foods:  fruit!, yogurt with honey and granola, applesauce, frozen peas (still frozen), bagels with cream cheese, waffles, salad with ranch dressing, noodles (plain or with cheese), pizza, chips (aka "spicys"), any "snack".  Will eat (or at least try) most foods, but he definitely has his favorites!

Words:  Favorite sayings: "Oh My!", "Oh Wow", "Oh No" (with hand clasped over his mouth), "I need that","that's me!" for anything referring to himself, "Mama/Dada, look!"
He knows many words and picks up new ones all the time.  He can say short phrases.  He surprises us all the time by saying new things like "No Daddy, pigs stinky" or "Playground, where are you?".

Favorite activities: anything outside but especially playgrounds, splashing in water, anything involving running and activity, animals (especially cats and "money rabbits"), Toy Story, Nemo, cars/trains, reading books, listening to songs, playing picnic, playing with pretend food (he calls it  playing "eat"), "observing" other kids

Dislikes: having to sit still, diaper changes, unexpected changes in routine, crowds of unfamiliar people

Learning: He can recognize all capital letters, but can't sing the song and sometimes gets some letters confused.  Knows numbers 1-10 and can count that high. Knows shapes and colors and can sort by colors.  Knows various animal sounds.  Can follow two-part instructions. Is better able to play independently for short bits of time.  Can use his imagination to play pretend games somewhat.

Working on:  potty training (we have really just barely started introducing this concept), moving to a big boy room (doesn't seem ready yet), using a blanket in bed (he throws all blankets out of his crib)

Fun Facts:
- loves to watch You Tube videos of babies laughing or of himself as a baby
- says "awww" when he sees a baby or a cute animal
- wants to eat "snacks" all the time
- still sleeps with Riley (the monkey) and takes him to daycare and in the car a lot.  They are best buds!
- when we ask him what he did today, he often says "I dont know" or remembers something that happened several days ago
- still says "aye" instead of "yes" most of the time


Kathy said...

Love this!! Glad to see him doing so well! Great pics :)

Kathy said...

Love this! Glad to see him doing so well. Great pics!