Camden's Homeschool 8th grade

 Here is what Camden will be up to first semester of 8th grade.

Language Arts - Fix-It Grammar (we enjoyed this in 6th and are back at it with a new level) and Wordly Wise 8 (vocabulary). He'll be taking a live writing class (Writer's Workshop) on Mondays with follow up meetings during the week. I'm looking forward to getting an outsiders opinion on his writing since I graded all of his writing the last two years. Additionally, he's continuing with literature studies with his grandma with books pulled mainly from his history and geography/cultures curricula. These will be done M-F.

Science - he'll be taking an asynchronous online general science class. We'll also continue with our unit studies from The Good and The Beautiful since we've really enjoyed them and Levi can participate. He does general science W/Fr and unit studies Tu/Th.

Social Studies/History - continuing with the next level of Bookshark (Level I) focusing on US History. Adding in a new curriculum from Guest Hollow called Geography and Cultures. It pulls from a variety of books, websites, and videos which is a fun format. We do history together M/W and Geography will all be done on Fridays.

Math - this was a big struggle to decide on. I ended up deciding to redo Algebra 1 to ensure mastery. Camden claims he doesn't like math (but runs statistics for fun?) so I chose a curriculum that people rave about that helps kids like math called Denison. This will be M-Th. We'll also keep with IXL for practice on Fridays.

Spanish - although Camden did either DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone the last two years, I feel like he knows very, very little Spanish. This year, I'm going to try working with him more to make sure he's on track so he can hopefully pass out of Spanish 1 next year. We are using Easy Peasy Homeschool Spanish 1 and will adjust if needed M-Th.

Boy Scouts - we are continuing to work through Boy Scouts with his goal set for Eagle Scout in a couple years hopefully. 

Other - He is signed up to take another baking class called "Let's Make Dinner" this semester. He's also interested in learning Excel and possibly some note taking strategies. He also keeps up with Simply Piano. 

We make adjustments as we go to address things that aren't working well, but this is the plan until the new year!

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