Summer Fun

This summer was just so fun. It felt like the kids' ages were just right for a fun time as a family - not too old and not too young. It also felt like we did so much and just really soaked it all in. There was a fair amount of sibling battles while at home, but we got into a grove being all together and really enjoyed the long, leisurely days.

some of our friends' kids during an annual summer gathering

we rode the Conner Prairie tethered balloon. It was freezing and windy, so I found it pretty spooky.

Camden reading books to everyone at Conner Prairie. Awww.

Chris turned 40! I totally forgot to take any photos during his party, but here are a few of the foods. It was "Friends" themed so all the food was related to foods from the TV series.

Best $150 spent all summer

Mr. Daniel concert at the park

Sparkfest in Fishers

this summer we had a couple free trials at martial arts places. We plan to start up with family Karate in the winter since the kids all enjoyed it.

a police officer let the kids tour his car at IKEA

Camden and Savannah took an online art class over the summer. Mostly they laughed and laughed at how bad their art was but Savannah nailed this giraffe piece

the kids and I ate tons of picnics at playgrounds

Baba turned 90! We all went to lunch at her favorite Cracker Barrel

4th of July at my friend's temporary apartment in Carmel

they're all managing the "submarine" with their laptops

many days at the neighborhood pool with neighbors

Our niece, Cece, was Nemo in Finding Nemo Jr. Savannah missed her show but had  her over to swim the next day. They also matched.

10 Eakman cousins

1 comment:

Brie said...

Wow there are no more babies anymore! So many big kids! Looks like a very active, extremely fun summer. :)