first day of second grade for Camden

On August 14th, Camden started 2nd grade at Prairie Trace Elementary. This year he has Mrs. Swart and is in the high ability classroom. He's already had more homework (since he had practically none last year), so we'll need to adjust to that. He also has a kindergartener at our bus stop this year, so we'll have some company as we wait. I can already tell he seems older, able to get himself ready and have what he needs without as much reminding. Still working on remembering to shower, though! I'm pretty sure he'd never bathe if we didn't force him.

Jonas was so glad to see him when he got off the bus, he gave Camden a big hug and then sat on his lap in the living room. Jonas loves to wake Camden up in the morning (Jonas gets up at least an hour before everyone else) and wait for the bus in the afternoon.

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