Camden at 7 years

 I read the notes on Camden from when he turned 6, and most of the descriptions still fit him well. Maybe at a certain point kids really grow into their "person" and don't change a whole lot year-to-year (until they become teenagers, I suspect).

At 7 years old, Camden is an active kid. He has a newer interest in basketball, playing it in our driveway a lot. He enjoys legos (still) specifically building his own creations. He can easily follow the directions but rarely re-builds a set he's already built. He's very well behaved in school and seems to do well academically. He seems to really enjoy his classmates and school. His strength is definitely math and numbers (did 2nd grade math this year). Has been a bit resistant to reading at his level, prefering to look at pictures or have someone read to him. Sometimes he finds a book he really likes and will read right through it. When around other littler kids, he jumps right into a leadership role. Still enjoys a good debate with us and often is arguing his point hoping we'll give in. Loves his baby brother and thinks he's hilarious. Friendly enough to his sister. Enjoys laughing.

Height: 48"

Weight: 50lbs

Clothing Size: 6-7 top, 6 bottom, 13 or 1 shoe

Lost 6 teeth and the top and bottom set have grown back in.

Favorite Foods (besides "treats"):  apples! (still), fruit, carrots, plain noodles, pizza, microwaved steamed veggies (actually got a high-five from the waitress tonight when he ordered steamed brocalli for his side...surprised us, too!), prefers foods without many ingredients. Still a bit picky but will usually eat at least some of most things.

Favorite activities: building legos, board/card games, watching movies/shows, arcades, laser tag,  super heros, playgrounds, would probably really enjoy video games but just started watching Chris play Plants vs. Zombies and enjoys that

Goals for this year:
-improving his basketball skills
-learn to tie shoes (we're late to the game on this since he's always had velcro shoes)
-improve handwriting
-possibly start to learn piano
-start to enjoy reading more and take on more chapter books

Biggest achievements this year:
-going to school full time and doing well
-really catching on to math
-reading skills and starting to read small chapter books
-bike with no training wheels

- started becoming really scared of things like ghosts, snakes, sharks, etc. He doesn't like any sort of scary book or movie right now (including the first two Harry Potters, which he used to enjoy). To help him sleep at night, he creates a perimeter around his bed of about 20 stuffed animals to gaurd
- he really enjoys Math. He got a summer workbook from school and insisted on starting on it right away. He came into our room around 9:30pm and said "I didn't realize how late it was, I've just been so busy doing my Math book time just flew by!"

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