Savannah at 4 years

Our fun loving girl is 4 years old!

Clothes: 4/5 tops, 4 bottoms
40 pounds,

Favorite Things: dressing up and changing clothes, baby dolls, filling containers with random stuff and carrying them around, watching Netflix, Moana, Trolls, crafts, being silly, dressing up like a princess, dance parties, playing house

Milestones: this year she became 100% potty trained (several months ago), her hair is allllmost long enough to put behind her is taking forever to grow! She can do many things independently like getting dressed/shoes on/teeth brushed. Working on her alphabet since there are still a few letters she doesn't know well. Able to draw people and things now. Only naps on occasion now. Sleeps in to 8:30 sometimes

Foods: loves so many foods and will try almost anything

Personality: She's quiet in group situations and not one to take the lead. She can be very brave (took her flu shot like a champ). She's chatty at home and loves to tell "tall tales" to the point where we don't know what parts true or not. Independent. Embraces the roll of "goofball" and can be very silly.

- very considerate - will make sure to grab an extra sticker for Camden if she goes to the doctor without him, or will split her candy treat from school with him.
- loves to play the role of "goofball", acting silly and saying funny things
- loves to wear dresses and often changes clothes multiple times each day. She likes to put on tights, a dress, cardigan, and sparkly shoes.
- tells "tall tales" and we're often not sure what is the truth and what is an elaborate story
- really rough with her baby brother, which is funny because she loves her baby dolls
-sometimes says sentences in a mixed up order or weird wording. Her favorite it "I'm just being joking!"

1 comment:

Tommyboy said...

I love, love, love the photo of her leaning against the tree.