Jonas' baptism

It's always a lovely experience to welcome a new baby into the church. His baptism was Saturday, May 6th during 5:30pm Mass.

Our parish has really stepped up their baptism support. They now post photos on a baptism collage at the church, make a home visit to ensure we feel like we have support, and provide ideas and gifts throughout Jonas' first three years to make sure we're helping instill the faith in him. Wow!

photo for the church's baptism wall

We were glad to have Father Rothrock do the baptism. He makes sure the experience is memorable!

Father Rothrock offers an "immersion" baptism for smaller babies and, after consideration, we elected to do this with Jonas. We had seen it done once before (and it is very moving), but this was even more dramatic than we recalled!

Not super thrilled that he was dunked under water THREE TIMES! He didn't cry and was fine once I dried him off.

clothes back on and ready for a nap after all of that!

Godparents - Jackie (my high school friend) and Jonathan (Chris' high school friend)

Since it was a bit late after Mass, we held a small reception at the church

Welcome to the church, sweet boy! May God ever bless your life!


Mom (Mary) said...

It was a beautiful and memorable baptism - one his older brother and sister can share with him once he's older. God bless you

Brie said...

That's awesome! I haven't seen the naked baby dunk before. Pretty cool! Our friends at church just had their baby boy baptized and he screamed the whole time (no full body dunk!). I'm impressed. :)

Kathy said...

beautiful photos! I love immersion baptism!