Easter Day

On Easter Sunday, we attended Mass at Holy Name on the southside. The parish had a little Easter festival and egg hunt for the kids afterwards and they saw the Easter bunny.

Back at my Mom's house, she hid eggs in the yard and the kids hunted around for them and got some cool toys and trinkets. We had a nice lunch there and hung out the rest of the afternoon. We also Skyped my brother and sister-in-law in California, which is always pretty funny.


We got home in time for Chris to cut the grass for the first time. There was a lot of dog poop in the yard to be cleaned up first (since Chili, the dog, had been staying with us most of the winter).  We joked with the kids that the final hunt was a poop hunt! They were actually excited to hunt for the poop. When I asked them which egg hunt was their favorite, Camden said all of them including the poop. He was probably being silly, but maybe next year we don't have to worry about hiding eggs!

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