Cincinnati - IKEA etc.

I had been compiling a shopping list for IKEA for a year, so when we got to the massive store we followed the list and tried to avoid getting side tracked (the online list creator even tells you where to find the items and if they are in stock).  We may have ended up with an owl puppet and and play fruit...but that's not too bad!  We left with a FULL car, everything on our list crossed off, and a lot of projects to put together.

We ended up not going to the Newport Aquarium as planned (extremely crowed/no strollers allowed), so we walked around a mall, ate out, and swam twice in the hotel pool.  Camden's favorite part about staying in hotels is running down the long hallways.  And now he also enjoys elevators.  He asked many times to go back to the "evator".  We all had a fun time getting out and about for a weekend!

playing instruments in Newport

 time for a swim!

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