For my twenty-fifth birthday (and beyond!), I decided to challenge myself to complete twenty-five tasks before my next birthday. I thought of activities that would be both enriching and fun. Some tasks are very specific and others are open to interpretation. As I complete a task, I plan to write a blog entry about it and include photographs (each task must be photographed in order for me to mark it off!). Life's too short to miss out on opportunities, right? Here's to making this a year to remember!
1. Read a classic novel
2. Try yoga
3. Paint a mural
4. Learn to swing dance with Chris
5. Plant a garden
6. Make a fancy dinner and use our china
7. Surprise someone
8. Participate a sport
9. Have a grandparent teach me something new
10. Learn a song on the piano and play it for people
11. Dance in public
12. Reconnect with an old friend
13. Step out of my comfort zone
14. Visit a historical museum
15. Save an animal
16. Spend a day surrounded by nature
17. Watch all of this year's Best Picture nominated movies.
18. Fix something that is broken
19. Explore a new town
20. Face my fears
21. Run through a field
22. Relive a childhood memory
23. Feed the hungry
24. Plan an impromptu getaway
25. Have a picnic
Let's dance in public tomorrow at the wedding!!!
We can totally explore a new town and plan an impromptu getaway (double date driving distance destination!).
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