Levi at 5 years

 Levi is a whole hand! Not only that, but this year marks his golden birthday! All of our other kids will be in their 20s or 30s before their golden birthdays!

Levi is a funny kid who keeps us laughing. He enjoys playing with his older siblings doing whatever they want to do. He is really good at soccer (since he plays with bigger kids). He still enjoys all things vehicles and has added transformers, Legos, and Star Wars to his list of favorites. He loves his kitties even though he's a little rough. He's a pretty good eater and enjoys a nice salad. He enjoys a good snuggle and "massage" every night. He's becoming more talkative around other people and his teacher says he participates well in preschool. He is enjoying his last year before elementary school by hanging out with mom and Camden during the days he is home from preschool. We love you, Levi!

dislikes: sometimes being told no (sometimes, which can result in epic tantrums), socks, any some shoes, some pants, inadequate bedtime snuggles

likes: food, snuggles, puzzles, cars, Star Wars, wrestling, kitties, books, Zelda

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