Jonas at 7 years

 Jonas is happy to be a 7 year old! He is such a spunky, animated kid. He doens't have a volume dial it's just stuck on high. He's very expressive. He has been doing really well in math this year and is struggling a little with reading but he's been doing well reading us a book every night. We've been working on handling big emotions. He is planning to do soccer again this spring and is currently in karate with his siblings.  He's still small in stature but it doesn't slow him down. He's a pretty picky eater when it comes to dinner foods. He's a fun friend and a great snuggler. 

Likes: gems, digging gems, Elephant & Piggie books, watching Dad play Zelda, playing with Levi, wrestling, snuggling, swimming, riding on a tandem bike with Dad, grapefruits, fruit snacks, snuggling his kitties, playing with wands

Dislikes: going to school on cold mornings, dark rooms at night, showering, having to go do things when he's not up for it

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